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Chemistry News

Read article: Chemistry researchers are part of first cohort of CZ Biohub Chicago investigators
Chemistry researchers are part of first cohort of CZ Biohub Chicago investigators
The Chan Zuckerburg Biohub Chicago has announced its first cohort of investigators, 48 innovative scientists and engineers hailing from three partner universities, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern University, and University of Chicago. The cohort includes...
Read article: Study: Faster charge transfer mechanism could lead to better energy conversion devices
Study: Faster charge transfer mechanism could lead to better energy conversion devices
Solar has emerged in recent years as the fastest growing renewable energy source in the United States, spurred in part by great improvements in technology that help turn light from the sun into electricity more efficiently. But there is also a push to use light to do chemistry. Like electricity,...
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Read article: Rebecca Ulrich receives ACS Irving S. Sigal Postdoctoral Fellowship
Rebecca Ulrich receives ACS Irving S. Sigal Postdoctoral Fellowship
The American Chemical Society has awarded Rebecca Ulrich of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign the 15th Irving S. Sigal Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2024–2026. Ulrich will conduct her fellowship studies with Deborah Hung of the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA, starting in September...
Read article: New tool could facilitate discovery of new mechanically responsive materials
New tool could facilitate discovery of new mechanically responsive materials
A research team led by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign chemists has developed an easy-to-use intuitive tool that could help in the design of new mechanophores with a range of practical applications in materials science and organic synthesis due to their ability to change physically or...
Read article: New antibiotic kills pathogenic bacteria, spares healthy gut microbes
New antibiotic kills pathogenic bacteria, spares healthy gut microbes
By Diana Yates, Illinois News Bureau Researchers have developed a new antibiotic that reduced or eliminated drug-resistant bacterial infections in mouse models of acute pneumonia and sepsis while sparing healthy microbes in the mouse gut. The drug, called lolamicin, also warded off...


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Herbert S. Gutowsky (1919 — 2000)

Spotlight: Gutowsky, Herbert S. (1919-2000)

Herbert Sander Gutowsky's pioneering work made nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy one of the most effective tools in chemical and medical research. Born November 8, 1919, on a produce farm in Bridgman, Michigan, Gutowsky was the son of Otto and Hattie Meyer Gutowsky. He claimed that his childhood experiences taught him the importance of hard work, which carried over to his scientific life. An avid bicyclist and bird-watcher who later became very interested in growing roses, he was a quiet man who focused on science. Gutowsky received a bachelor's degree from Indiana University in 1940,...