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What is Included in General Chemistry?

General chemistry encompasses Chem 101 through Chem 205.  Designed to serve as stepping stones for a wide range of majors on campus, these classes serve roughly 3,000 to 4,000 students a semester.

The lecture courses, Chem 101, 102, 104, 202, and 204, involve presentations by faculty as well as “quiz” or discussion sections directed by teaching assistants.  There are versions of Chem 102 and 104 that use online formats for lectures. 

The laboratory courses, Chem 103, 105, 203, and 205, meet in laboratory spaces where traditional “wet” labs are done as well as post-lab computer simulations for further exploration of chemical processes.  

Chem 102, 103, 104, and 105 are offered in Spring, Fall, and Summer semesters. 

Credit for Chem 102 and 104 may be obtained through the AP test or Chemistry Proficiency Exam.  Questions regarding transfer credit should be directed to the Registrar’s Office. 

The General Chemistry Faculty are based in Chemistry Annex along with teaching laboratory facilities and the Chemistry Learning Center.