Registered UIUC students having a strong background in chemistry are encouraged to take the chemistry proficiency exam which can provide proficiency credit in one or two general chemistry courses. The proficiency exam is offered at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters only. Students are allowed to take a particular course proficiency exam only once per semester. There is no fee for taking the proficiency exams.
The Fall 2025 Chemistry Proficiency Exams
Registrants will need to select one of the two available dates.
Exam dates, times, and locations will be posted once space is reserved.
You may only take one exam per day. You may only take the 102 or 104 exam once during this exam period (August 2025). You may register for a Chem 102 exam and a Chem 104 exam if you wish. You may not register for both Chem 102 or both Chem 104 exams. You are not eligible to retake either exam until January, 2026. It is your responsibility to read and follow all instructions given on this page, in e-mails from the exam director, and provided at the exam.
Registration is now required for exams. Registration for the exams will close two days before the exams.
Click below on your preferred day for registration (links live through two days prior to exam)
Exam registration links will be live once space is reserved.
Please plan carefully. You may only register for one exam on each day.
Do not register for both Chem 102 or both Chem 104 exams. We have space limitations and by taking up a seat that you may not be using, you will prevent another student from taking the exam. If you pass the 102 exam on the first date, you may wish to register for the 104 exam scheduled on the second date.
Registrations will be reviewed and double registrations may be removed if in violation of exam rules.
Proficiency exams are Pass/Fail. Students are not given their grades for these exams.
Students are sent an email that states a pass or fail. Passing scores are reported to college offices.
There is no penalty for failing a proficiency exam.
General Chemistry Proficiency Exam Info
All proficiency exams are given in-person and on campus. Students MUST bring their own laptop or tablet to take the exam. Students may not use a cell phone to take the exam. There is no distance option for these exams.
Materials to BRING to the CHEM 102 or CHEM 104 Proficiency Exam:
- A portable electronic device: a laptop or tablet.
- Laptop or tablet must be able to connect to wifi.
- The exam cannot be taken on a cell phone.
- Charger for laptop or tablet.
- A calculator, writing utensils, erasers.
- Official identification with photograph: I-card, driver’s license, state-issued ID card, or passport.
Students will be taking the proficiency exams through the Learning Management system called Canvas. Closer to exam time, students will be sent an e-mail with a video link showing what students are to expect when accessing the proficiency exam on exam day using Canvas. Make sure to provide your campus NetID and to make sure to check your inbox.
No other programs may be running on your laptop or tablet while you are taking the proficiency exam. Students will be asked to leave the exam and their opportunity to take the exam will be revoked if found in violation of this policy.
Scratch paper and constants sheets provided by the Department will be the only sheets of paper allowed while taking a Proficiency Exam. These provided papers must be turned in once the exam is over.
Expectations regarding Academic Honesty
During an exam, you are responsible for producing work that is free from outside support/influences. Anything submitted on your exam must be conceived and executed independently by you. Students are reminded that they are expected to abide by the Statement of Academic Integrity and should refer to the Student Code for additional information.
Students CANNOT collaborate on exam problems with other individuals enrolled in or not enrolled in the class before, during, or after the exam.
All communications with others including but not limited to written, verbal, by gesture, text, electronic messaging of any sort, Google, etc. (except with proctors or the exam supervisor) is strictly prohibited.
Copying or sharing information, questions, or answers (by either physical or electronic means) before, during, or after the Exam Session or the possession and/or distribution of data will be considered academic misconduct and will be pursued as a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity.
Taking an exam by proxy (for someone else) is an infraction of academic integrity on the part of both the enrolled student and the proxy (substitute).
Cheating will result in an automatic zero on the exam. Academic misconduct will be reported according to campus policy.
Exam Description
The Chem 102 exam is multiple choice and is designed to test proficiency in the major topics covered in the University of Illinois general chemistry curriculum. It provides 3 hours of credit equivalent to Chem 102.
If a student has 3 hours of Chem 102 credit (AP credit, proficiency credit, or other equivalent course credit), then they are eligible for the Chem 104 (full) exam.
No proficiency credit is granted for general chemistry lab courses (Chem 103 or Chem 105).
- Topics possibly covered in the Chemistry 102 proficiency exam
- Topics possibly covered in the Chemistry 104 proficiency exam
Students are provided with a periodic table and standard formulae and constants.
We do not make previous exams or other exam materials available for study. Any first-year chemistry textbook will provide adequate resources for study.
Time allowed for Proficiency exams
- Chem 102 Proficiency Exam: 1 hour 50 minutes
- Chem 104 Proficiency Exam: 3 hours
Students with documented accommodations through the campus's DRES office who wish to take the chemistry proficiency exam(s) must provide Dr. Kelly Marville ( with their accommodation paperwork by the registration deadline. They are also urged to contact both DRES and Keena Finney ( at least two weeks before a scheduled exam date to arrange for an exam. Due to exam security requirements, a proficiency exam may only be taken on one of the scheduled dates of a given semester. Due to a change in facility access, students requiring DRES accommodations should register early and contact us promptly.
Exam results are sent via individual e-mail to each person who took the exam. The exam is Pass/Fail only.
No scores or grades are recorded. Only passes are submitted to college offices. Fails are not reported.
Due to exam security requirements, a proficiency exam may only be taken on one of the scheduled dates of a given semester.
If, after reading carefully the above information, further questions regarding the General Chemistry Proficiency Exams exist, please direct them to: