Poster Session I

  1. Jung-un Baek (Prof. Anne M. Baranger)
    Bipartite Cysteine Display Probes for the Detection of RNA Splice Variants

  2. Pulin Wang (Prof. Martin Burke)
    An Efficient One Step Preparation Of Alkyl Mida Boronates Through a Hydroboration­ Direct Trapping Process

  3. Larry M. Wolf (Prof. Scott E. Denmark)
    The Application of QSAR/QSSR Methods for Catalyst Evaluation and Development in Phase Transfer Catalysis

  4. B. McKay Wood (Prof. John A. Gerlt)
    A Structural Basis for Dynamics in OMPDC Catalysis

  5. Daniel W. Robbins (Prof. John F. Hartwig)
    Iridium-Catalyzed, Silyl-Directed C-H Borylation of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles

  6. Mirth T. Hoyt (Prof. Paul J. Hergenrother)
    Chemical and Biological Studies into the Anti-Cancer Properties of Cribrostatin 6

  7. E. Davis Oldham (Prof. John A. Katzenellenbogen)
    Estrogen Receptor Mediated Inhibition of NF-kB as a Route to Treatment of Breast Cancer

  8. Mary M. Caruso (Prof. Jeffrey S. Moore)
    Mechanically-Induced Solvent Based Self-Healing

  9. Patrick J. Knerr (Prof. Wilfred A. van der Donk)
    Synthesis and Mutasynthesis of Lanthionine-Containing Cyclic Peptides

  10. Grant T. Rice (Prof. M. Christina White)
    Allylic C-H Amination for the Preparation of syn-1,3-Amino Alcohol Motifs

  11. Alexandra Rutz (Prof. Steven C. Zimmerman)
    The Synthesis of Complex Polymer Architectures Using Hyperbranched Polyglycerols for Applications in Drug Delivery and Cell Surface Display

Poster Session II

  1. Yuan Fu (Prof. Anne M. Baranger)
    Characterization of the Binding Affinity and Specificity of MBNL Proteins for RNA

  2. Graham Dick (Prof. Martin Burke)
    Development of an Efficient Route to 2-Pyridyl MIDA Boronate and its Derivatives

  3. Matthew T. Burk (Prof. Scott E. Denmark)
    Studies on the Stereochemical Stability of Halonium Ions

  4. Yichen Tan (Prof. John F. Hartwig)
    Palladium-Catalyzed Amination of Aromatic C-H Bonds Using Hydroxylamine Derivatives

  5. Timothy A. Flood (Prof. Paul J. Hergenrother)
    A High-Throughput Screen for Small Molecule Disruptors of RNA-Protein Binding in Type I Myotonic Dytrophy

  6. Christopher G. Mayne (Prof. John A. Katzenellenbogen)
    Design and Synthesis of Small Molecule Ligands for ER-Mediated Suppression of Inflammation

  7. Yuan Gao (Prof. Jeffrey S. Moore)
    Nanofiltration Membranes with Dendritic Amphiphilic Aromatic Polyamide Active Layers

  8. Adrienne (On Yi) Wong (Prof. Scott K. Silverman)
    Development of DNA Catalysts for Protein Side Chain Modification

  9. Juan E. Velasquez (Prof. Wilfred A. van der Donk)
    Biosynthesis of the Antimicrobial Peptide Epilancin 15X

  10. Sean A. Reed (Prof. M. Christina White)
    A Catalytic Bronsted Base Strategy for Linear, Allylic C-H Amination

  11. Cyrus A. Anderson (Prof. Steven C. Zimmerman)
    Room Temperature, Copper-catalyzed Amination of Naphthyridinyl-bromides with Aqueous Ammonia