PhD, Chan lab
Research: Synthesis of small molecule diagnostic tools for early detection of cancer
Awards: Dr. Sandra Murawski Award for Mentoring Excellence
“I love being able facilitate learning opportunities for younger folks. My previous research experiences were instrumental in my career development, and I'm happy to be able to provide such opportunities for others. I also am happy to see where my mentees end up after graduation. My current undergrad is med school bound and previous undergrad joined the incoming 2022 graduate class and is now in my lab!”
Activities: Women Chemists Committee, Younger Chemists Committee, East Central Illinois chapter of the American Chemical Society
Future: Senior Research Specialist at Dow Chemical
You are an Illinois PhD alum! It's been a long but also short journey. I am grateful for all that I've learned, and also all of the friends I've made along the way.
Secret to success: Support from colleagues and friends during tough degree requirements and celebrating the good times
Advice to graduate students? Find a good group of people within your lab and the department. And for industry-bound folks, do the on campus recruiting and work with the Career Office. They are amazing.
Why Chemistry at Illinois? The people I met when I was here and the research
PhD highlight? All the friends that I've made, meeting my partner, and adopting my cat, Penny.