Tobin MArks Bailar Lecture Tobin J. Marks is the Ipatieff Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University. He received his BS degree from the U. of Maryland (1966) and PhD from MIT (1971). Of his 58 named lectureships and awards, he has received American Chemical Society Awards in Polymeric Materials, 1983; Organometallic Chemistry, 1989; Inorganic Chemistry, 1994; and the Chemistry of Materials, 2001; 2000 Cotton Medal, Texas A&M American Chemical Society Section; 2001 Willard Gibbs Medal, Chicago American Chemical Society Section; 2001 North American Catalysis Society Burwell Award; 2001 Linus Pauling Medal, Pacific Northwest American Chemical Society Sections; 2002 American Institute of Chemists Gold Medal; 2003 German Chemical Society Karl Ziegler Medal; 2003 Ohio State University Evans Award; 2004 Royal Society of Chemistry Frankland Medal, 2005 Bailar Medal, Champaign-Urbana Section of the American Chemical Society, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993; Member, U. S. National Academy of Sciences, 1993; Bellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2005; Member, Leopoldina German National Academy of Natural Sciences, 2005. He is on the editorial boards of 9 major journals; consultant or advisor for 6 major corporations and start-ups, and has published 790 research articles and holds 80 U. S. patents.