Contact Information
Urbana, IL 61801
Professor Han obtained her B.S. degree in Chemistry from the College of Natural Sciences at Seoul National University, Korea, where she graduated summa cum laude and as a Valedictorian. After college, she moved to Cambridge, USA to pursue graduate work in Physical Chemistry at MIT as a Samsung and KASF fellow. Under the guidance of Prof. Moungi G. Bawendi, she developed new quantum dot based imaging probes and a QD-based, phenotypic, intravital cytometric imaging platform. She then moved to Harvard to work with Prof. David A. Weitz as a postdoctoral fellow. At Harvard, she developed a drop-based microfluidic platform for high throughput genome sequencing. Han is currently the Mark A. Pytosh Scholar and Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Her group develops and implements new bioanalytical technologies to dissect molecular and cellular mechanisms driving the ensemble behavior of complex biological systems.
Research Interests
Bioanalytical technologies, In situ single cell omics (Spatially resolved single cell omics), Synthetic cells, Bioimaging, Drop microfluidics
Research Description
The Han group leverages our expertise in microfluidics, bioimaging, nanotechnology, and materials chemistry to invent new bioanalytical technologies. We also implement the new tools to unveil the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving the ensemble behaviors of native biological systems. The followings are the drives of technological innovation in our lab:
Multiscale and multimodal imaging platform
The biology of multicellular organisms is structured at multiple levels. Networks of molecular interactions regulate cell function; Interface of cells with nearby cells and environments further shapes their state and function; Cells form highly interconnected functional networks organ-wide. Imaging is a powerful tool that probes both the molecular profiles and their spatial architecture. The spatial architecture is strongly tied to molecular and cellular interactions as well as higher-level functional networks. We develop imaging platforms that can access different dimensions of biological information at unprecedented scale and resolution. Using the new platform, we study how molecular and cellular interactions contribute to system-level functions. We develop both imaging platforms and data processing methodologies.
Droplet microfluidics-based bioanalytical platforms
Droplet microfluidics holds many advantages for high throughput assays and controlled assembly of functional materials. It compartmentalizes individual cells or molecules into micron-sized drops, allowing unbiased profiling of each analyte at high throughput. The small volume of drops ensures high reaction efficiencies with minimal input materials, providing single molecule sensitivity. Droplet microfluidics also allows controlled encapsulation of molecular machinery into drops and templated formation of functional structures. We develop microfluidic platforms that enable high resolution analysis of complex biological systems.
The specific systems and biological questions we ask constantly evolve, but we are generally interested in brains, tumor tissues, and microbial communities, the system that have inherent heterogeneity and strong intercellular interactions.
Harvard University: Postdoc in Physics/Applied Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry
Seoul National University: B.S. in Chemistry
Awards and Honors
Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Award for Science (2021)
Mark A. Pytosh Scholar (2017)
KFAS Scholar in Chemistry (2006-2012)
Samsung Scholar in Chemistry (2006-2011)
Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude, Seoul National University (2006)
Representative of Korea in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (2006)
KFAS Scholar for undergraduate study (2004-2006)
Courses Taught
Chem 520: Advanced Analytical Chemistry
Additional Campus Affiliations
Faculty member of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
Faculty member of the Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology
Faculty member of the Neuroscience Program
Faculty affiliate of BioEngineering
Honors & Awards
Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Award for Science (2021)
Mark A. Pytosh Scholar (2017)
KFAS Scholar in Chemistry (2006-2012)
Samsung Scholar in Chemistry (2006-2011)
Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude, Seoul National University (2006)
Representative of Korea in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (2006)
KFAS Scholar for undergraduate study (2004-2006)
Highlighted Publications
Han, H. S., Cantalupo, P. G., Rotem, A., Cockrell, S. K., Carbonnaux, M., Pipas, J. M., & Weitz, D. A. (2015). Whole-Genome Sequencing of a Single Viral Species from a Highly Heterogeneous Sample. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 54(47), 13985-13988.
Han, H. S., Niemeyer, E., Huang, Y., Kamoun, W. S., Martin, J. D., Bhaumik, J., Chen, Y., Roberge, S., Cui, J., Martin, M. R., Fukumura, D., Jainb, R. K., Bawendi, M. G., & Duda, D. G. (2015). Quantum dot/antibody conjugates for in vivo cytometric imaging in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(5), 1350-1355.
Chen, O., Zhao, J., Chauhan, V. P., Cui, J., Wong, C., Harris, D. K., Wei, H., Han, H. S., Fukumura, D., Jain, R. K., & Bawendi, M. G. (2013). Compact high-quality CdSe-CdS core-shell nanocrystals with narrow emission linewidths and suppressed blinking. Nature Materials, 12(5), 445-451.
Han, H. S., Martin, J. D., Lee, J., Harris, D. K., Fukumura, D., Jain, R. K., & Bawendi, M. (2013). Spatial charge configuration regulates nanoparticle transport and binding behavior in vivo. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 52(5), 1414-1419.
Wei, H., Insin, N., Lee, J., Han, H. S., Cordero, J. M., Liu, W., & Bawendi, M. G. (2012). Compact zwitterion-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biological applications. Nano letters, 12(1), 22-25.
Harris, D. K., Allen, P. M., Han, H. S., Walker, B. J., Lee, J., & Bawendi, M. G. (2011). Synthesis of cadmium arsenide quantum dots luminescent in the infrared. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(13), 4676-4679.
Han, H. S., Devaraj, N. K., Lee, J., Hilderbrand, S. A., Weissleder, R., & Bawendi, M. G. (2010). Development of a bioorthogonal and highly efficient conjugation method for quantum dots using tetrazine-norbornene cycloaddition. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(23), 7838-7839.
Recent Publications
Cowell, T. W., Jing, W., Noh, H., & Han, H. S. (Accepted/In press). Drop-by-Drop Addition of Reagents to a Double Emulsion. Small.
Jankelow, A., Chen, C. L., Cowell, T. W., Espinosa de los Monteros, J., Bian, Z., Kindratenko, V., Koprowski, K., Darsi, S., Han, H. S., Valera, E., & Bashir, R. (Accepted/In press). Multiplexed electrical detection of whole viruses from plasma in a microfluidic platform. Analyst, 149(4), 1190-1201.
Lee, J. Y., Soares, G., Doty, C., Park, J., Hovey, J., Schrader, A., & Han, H. S. (2024). Versatile Prepolymer Platform for Controlled Tailoring of Quantum Dot Surface Properties. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16(12), 15202-15214.
Yeo, S., Schrader, A. W., Lee, J., Asadian, M., & Han, H. S. (2024). Spot-Based Global Registration for Subpixel Stitching of Single-Molecule Resolution Images for Tissue-Scale Spatial Transcriptomics. Analytical Chemistry, 96(17), 6517-6522.
Chen, A., Zhu, L., Han, H. S., & Arai, Y. (2023). Spectroscopic Investigation of Phosphorus Mineralization as Affected by the Calcite-Water Interfacial Chemistry. Environmental Science and Technology, 57(43), 16606-16615.