Joshua Hinmann portraitOriginally from Tremont, Illinois, Joshua studied chemistry as an undergraduate at Bradley University in Peoria before coming to Illinois. He is currently a PhD candidate in Prof. Catherine Murphy’s research group, where his focus is the study of gold nanoparticles.

“One of the things that I enjoy the most about my research is that gold nanoparticles can be made to exhibit many beautiful and vibrant colors. The small size of gold nanoparticles and the way that they interact with light make them promising for a host of future technologies, including medical imaging, improved solar cells, and in cancer treatments.”

“This fellowship will allow me to be able to focus on my studies and it motivates me to work harder to advance science as I continue my research. For as long as I can remember

I wanted to be a scientist. Your contributions help me — and others like me — to be able to do just that.”