John Katzenellenbogen, the Swanlund Professor of Chemistry, has received the Leading Edge in Basic Science Award from the Society for Toxicology (SOT). From the award website: The Leading Edge Award recognizes a scientist who has made a recent (within the last 5 years) seminal scientific research contribution/advance to understanding fundamental mechanisms of toxicity. The recipient will be a respected basic scientist whose research findings are likely to have a pervasive impact on the field of toxicology. The scientist may be an SOT member or non-member, a toxicologist or a scientist who may or may not identify him or herself with the discipline of toxicology but whose research finding(s), nevertheless, are likely to impact the discipline in a major way.

Katzenellenbogen will receive a plaque and a cash award at the official awards ceremony, which will be held in March in conjunction with the 2009 SOT Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.