Richard Helmich (Suslick group) and Tim Kucharski (Boulatov group) have been accepted to the 59th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany. These meetings, held since 1951, give young researchers nominated to attend the opportunity to interact with Nobel Laureates.

The Lindau Nobel Laureates website states that:

The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings provide a globally recognised forum for the transfer of knowledge between generations of scientists. They inspire and motivate Nobel Laureates and international Best Talents. Lectures of Nobel Laureates reflect current scientific topics and present relevant fields of research of the future. In panel discussions, seminars and during the various events of the social programme young researchers nominated by a worldwide network of Academic Partners interact with Nobel Laureates. The Meetings of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and in Physics have been held since 1951. Since 2004, the holders of the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, have also held biannual meetings on Lake Constance. The Lindau Dialogue has been given extra impulse with the interdisciplinary conferences. These are being organised by the Council and the Foundation every five years starting with the jubilee year of 2000.

For more information about this prestigious nomination, visit the Lindau Nobel Laureates website.