The Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce that Dr. Prashant Jain will be joining our faculty beginning in the Fall 2011 academic semester.

 Professor Jain received his B.Tech. from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, India in 2003 and his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008. During 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. From 2009-2011 he was a Miller Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley. He will be joining the University of Illinois faculty as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2011. He also has affiliations in the Department of Physics and the Beckman Institute. His research interests are in molecular and nano-optics and imaging with the goal of enhancing the understanding and control of energy transport, light-matter interactions, and chemical transformations at nanometer length scales.

 For more information about Professor Jain, visit his group site.