James "Jim" Fritz, 88, of Ames, passed away at his home under hospice care on Monday, December 10, 2012.
After having obtained his Ph.D. in 1948 by the University of Illinois, Professor James S. Fritz became Senior Chemist and Professor of Chemistry at Iowa State University in 1960. He was named Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences in 1990. Besides ion chromatography his research interests were titrations, solid-phase extractions, capillary electrophoresis and analytical complexing reagents. He authored or co-authored several scientific books, including Fritz and Gjerde's "Ion Chromatography". In addition, he published more than 325 scientific publications.
Following the death of his first wife, Joan, in 1987, Jim and Mim were married July 15, 1989. His greatest joys were tennis, gardening, appreciation of music and especially his family.
Jim survived by his wife, Mim, of Ames; four daughters, Lisa of San Diego, California, Julie of Chicago, Illinois, Laurel of Ames, and Margy of Lincoln, Nebraska; 10 grandchildren; and Mim's family. He was preceded in death by his parents, Lawrence and Mae Fritz; and his first wife, Joan.