Moore group member Michael Evans is teaching a chemistry massive online open course (MOOC) and offered some thoughts on the value of these courses in a recent St. Louis Post-dispatch article titled "Flipped classrooms: homework in class, online lectures at home."

Michael feels that even if students are not getting credit for their work [in the MOOC], that does not mean the courses have no value. If nothing else, they are a chance to explore a topic free of charge and obligation.

Michael is teaching an eight-week chemistry course through the school’s new partnership with Coursera. In person, it is the sort of class that may have 200 students. He’ll have somewhere around 8,000 for the online version, giving him a chance to play ambassador for his department.

“It’s really nice to be able to put 8,000 sets of eyes on my content,” Michael said. “We kind of have a public relations problem. Chemistry is not everyone’s favorite science.”

For the full St. Louis Post-dispatch article, click here.