Alumnus and longtime friend of the Department of Chemistry Prof. Sheldon Shore passed away unexpectedly on April 4, 2014.
From his OSU web page:
Sheldon Shore received the B. S. degree in 1951 from the University of Illinois, M. S. and Ph.D. degrees were awarded by the University of Michigan in 1953 and 1957. He joined the faculty of The Ohio State University in 1957 as an Assistant Professor. Promotions to Associate Professor and Professor followed in 1963 and 1966. He served on the Editorial Board of Inorganic Chemistry and Organometallics.
He was on the Advisory Board of the Petroleum Research Fund and the National Research Council Committee on Recommendation for U. S. Army Basic Scientific Research. He served as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Boron Americas and is a member of the International Organizing Committee of IME Boron.
Honors and recognitions include: Reiley Lecturer University of Notre Dame, 1989; Morley Award for Outstanding Contributions to Chemistry, Cleveland Section American Chemical Society, 1989; Award for Outstanding Advancements of the Chemical Sciences, Columbus Section American Chemical Society, 1990; Charles H. Kimberly Chair of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 1992; Wiberg Lecture University of Munich, 1994; Elected to the Bavarian Academy of Science, Corresponding Member, 1996; Distinguished Lecture, The Ohio State University, 1996; Special Issue of the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry in honor of Sheldon Shore, 2000; Inaugural Ebaugh Alumni Lecturer, Denison University 2005; Recipient of the American Chemical Society Award in Inorganic Chemistry 2007; Aldrich Lecture, Northwestern University 2007; Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 2007.