Christian Ray Recipient of LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Instructional Staff

Christian Ray at LAS awards ceremonyCongratulations to Christian Ray, who on April 7, 2015, received the 2014-2015 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Instructional Staff.

Dr. Ray, Director of the General Chemistry program, has a great desire to help his students succeed in their endeavors.

Two students, who wrote letters on his behalf said:

"Dr. Ray taught the first class I attended at the university. His jovial nature and warm personality made my transition from high school to college as seamless as possible."

"Dr. Ray is not only an amazing professor inside the classroom but also cares about the well being of his students and truly wants to see them succeed."


Gretchen Adams Receives a University Distinguished Teacher-Scholar Award

Gretchen Adams photoGretchen Adams was recognized as a University Distinguished Teacher-Scholar during a reception at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology on April 30. Adams, the Director of the Department of Chemistry's Undergraduate Studies office, used the funding to provide a series of workshops to emphasize the importance of classroom diversity and to offer techniques for improving the recruitment, retention and long-term success of underrepresented undergraduate students. Under her leadership, the Chemistry Merit Program has grown from 80 to nearly 500 students within the last ten years. Inside Illinois article.