Jeffrey Moore has been named the Edward Leete awardee for 2015. This biennial award is presented at the ACS fall national meeting by the Organic Division. This award honors those who have made outstanding contributions to both teaching and research.

In his research, Moore integrates ideas from physical organic chemistry and engineering with polymer synthesis to invent mechanically responsive materials. Motivated by the technological need for materials that are safer and last longer, Moore strives to understand and design polymers that produce chemical signals or undergo chemical reactions following mechanical activation – for example, materials that heal themselves, warn of high stress, or repair electrical circuits. Recently, he and frequent collaborators Nancy Sottos and Scott White demonstrated plastics that not only heal after damage, but regenerate, thanks to specialized chemicals pumping through vascular channels within the material, similar to blood in a circulatory system.

Moore earned his doctorate at the University of Illinois, UC in 1989 and returned to join the faculty in 1993. He also is a professor of materials science and engineering, a member of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, and the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois. He is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Chemical Society. He also has been named a Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar and a Sloan Fellow.