The 2018 School of Chemical Sciences (SCS) Teaching Awards recipients are listed below. This year’s recipients represent just a few of the large number of highly dedicated instructors in SCS.

Faculty recipients:
          José Andino Martinez, Chemistry
          Charles Sing, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
          Steven Zimmerman, Chemistry
Graduate Student recipients:
         Lucas Akin, Chemistry
         Ryan Ash, Chemistry
         Sarah Bonson, Chemistry
         Daniel Bregante, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
         Mai Ngo, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
         Yiming Wang, Chemistry
         Thao Xiong, Chemistry

Jonathan Sweedler, Director, SCS, said "The award recognizes the entire scope of our educational efforts, from course development to in-class instruction.  Excellence in teaching is not only intellectually satisfying, but our instructional efforts immeasurably strengthen our research mission."