Oxford University Press has published a print copy of the ACS Symposium Series 1231: The Power and Promise of Early Research, edited by Desmond H. Murray, Sherine O. Obare, and Illinois Chemistry alumnus James H. Hageman (BS, ’64).

After leaving Illinois, Hageman went on to complete his PhD in biochemistry at UCLA (1968), and was a postdoc at Yale University. As a faculty in Chemistry and Biochemistry at New Mexico State University for 29 years, he served as mentor for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students and post-docs. Over 45 undergraduate students from historically underserved groups did research in his lab and several authored publications. He served as Graduate School Dean and VP for Research at Central Michigan University (2000-2006) and as Associate VC for Research at the University of Colorado, Denver (2006-2011).

While at Illinois, Hageman served as Carl Marvel’s paper boy, worked as a high school student in the laboratory of Ed Conrad, and did a sabbatical leave with Robert Switzer. Hageman is a pioneer of introducing high school and community college students to research, and The Power and Promise of Early Research provides a compendium of advice from practitioners in early research experiences for budding scientists.

The Power and Promise of Early Research is available on the ACS website.

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