During the annual “Celebrating Diversity, Recognizing Excellence” reception, which was hosted by the Graduate College on Monday, March 4, Lauren Hagler and Tabitha Miller were recognized for public engagement and research excellence. Both Lauren, from Prof. Steve Zimmerman’s lab, and Tabitha, from Prof. Alison Fout’s lab, are fourth year graduate students. Tabitha said: "For me this award is meaningful because I was being recognized mostly for activities outside of research, in particular my involvement with the Women Chemists’ Committee (WCC) and our Day Camp for Girls: 'Bonding with Chemistry'.  To me, this shows that the department is mindful and aware that a PhD isn’t just about research, and that as scientists, our commitment to professional development and outreach is just as important."  They were among 46 graduate students recognized this year.

Students are selected by their individual academic programs. The reception took place during the Community of Scholars spring campus visit program. It recognized graduate students from underrepresented populations in graduate education in areas of excellence in teaching, research or service. These underrepresented populations are African American, American Indian, Latina/Latino or Pacific Islander.

Lauren HaglerTabitha Miller

See the entire list of winners here>>