Prashant Jain was one of 19 selected for this year's Defense Science Study Group (DSSG). DSSG is a program focused on education and study that introduces outstanding science and engineering professors to security challenges the United States faces and encourages them to apply their talents to these issues. This year, there were 178 nominations from 97 universities.
Prashant's research is centered on the understanding and control of light-matter interactions on the nanoscale. His lab employs confined light for artificial photosynthesis and for probing the inner workings of complex materials and catalysts. He teaches graduate & UG physical chemistry, is the lead developer of nanoDDSCAT, a toolkit for computational design of light-matter interactions, and serves as scientific advisor for Sebacia, which develops nanoparticle-based therapies.
Former 2004-2005 DSSG class member, Catherine Murphy said, "It’s a program, sponsored by the Department of Defense, to introduce young science and engineering professors to what goes on in the military. The program involves visits to military bases, meeting with generals and admirals and soldiers, and learning about their technical needs. When I took part, the participants were required to write short technical proposals about solutions to problems we observed.
Overall it is a great education about a realm of human activity most of us academics do not experience. The fellow professors are fascinating people. Personally, I had a blast."