We are excited to announce that Dr. Mei Shen will join our analytical chemistry faculty and Dr. Angad Mehta will join our chemical biology faculty this summer.

Shen received her PhD from Professor Allen J. Bard (University of Texas at Austin) and did postdoctoral work with Professor Shigeru Amemiya (University of Pittsburgh). Shen is presently a 100% Research assistant professor of chemistry at Illinois. Her vision is to develop new electroanalytical platforms to inform analysis of neurons, and to learn how chemical signals flow between synapses on the nanometer scale. Several of her papers with undergraduates have been published in quality journals such as the Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS).

Mehta received his PhD with Professor Tadhg Begley (Texas A&M) and is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Professor Peter Schultz at The Scripps Research Institute. Mehta proposes radical and innovative ideas such as using bacteria to deliver protein drugs to cells, and using bacteria-eukaryotic cell hybrids to learn about evolution and the endosymbiotic theory of how complex cells formed from simpler cells.

We look forward to having them join our department as assistant professors. Welcome, Dr. Shen and Dr. Mehta! 

Find more information about Dr. Shen here and Dr. Mehta here.