Susan Teegarden Morrison was an alumna of Illinois who in 1959 received her bachelor's degree in journalism and her master's degree in home economics in 1961. She was active as a student leader in many areas, including Mortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, Delta Gamma and several positions in student government. Serving as the first female president of the Illini Union Board was her most distinguished student leadership position.
Elizabeth Murphy received the Susan Teegarden Morrison Leadership Scholarship from the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs based on her roles as secretary and outreach chair in the American Chemical Society Student Chapter. The award is given to two sophomore or junior students who hold significant leadership positions, on campus, that contribute to the quality of life for University of Illinois students, and who will be holding a leadership position the following year.
Murphy, a junior research assistant in Professor Paul Braun’s Group, is studying the synthesis of viologen-based redox-active polymer brushes via surface-initiated reversible addition-fragmentation chain-transfer polymerization. She will be the 2019-20 American Chemical Society Student Chapter president.