The list of faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants in the Department of Chemistry who were ranked excellent by their students has been announced from results of the Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 course evaluation processes.
Results are based on the ratings from the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) maintained by Measurement and Evaluation in the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. This list is based on ICES forms completed by students during the Spring semester of 2020 and Summer 2020.
Based on data collected during Spring 2020 courses in the Department of Chemistry, 15 faculty members and 86 teaching assistants were ranked excellent by their students. Also, two faculty members, Prashant Jain and Christian Ray, and 33 TAs achieved the “outstanding” ranking.
Faculty ranked excellent were Jordan Axelson, Jeff Chan, Donald DeCoste, John Gerlt, So Hirata, Prashant Jain, Michael Koerner, John Leveritt, Elise McCarren, Doug Mitchell, Christian Ray, Josh Vura-Weis, Alison Weitzel, David Woon and Steve Zimmerman.
Go here to see the list of teaching assistants who were ranked as excellent in Spring 2020.
Two were ranked excellent for the summer semester, faculty member John Leveritt and post-doctoral student Amy Nicely.
Only those instructors who distributed ICES forms at least once during the semester and who released their data for publication are included in the lists. Only numerical data from the ICES questionnaire results were used, and at least five students must have responded in each class.