The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has named Sara E. Skrabalak (PhD, '06, Suslick) as editor-in-chief of both Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters.
“My vision is for Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters to continue growing as leading venues for the publication of high-quality, impactful results on the forefront of materials-based research,” Skrabalak said. “For me, these journals are a scientific home. I am excited to work with the editors, advisory boards and authors to maintain the strong sense of community that has built up around these journals, while also opening their doors further to highlight and support the growing diversity of materials-based research and researchers.”
Skrabalak is a provost-appointed James H. Rudy professor at Indiana University Bloomington and holds appointments in the departments of chemistry and intelligent systems engineering. Her research interests span broad topics, with a focus on solid-state chemistry and nanomaterials, and strong influences from chemical engineering. Skrabalak is a recipient of numerous awards, receiving the National Science Foundation CAREER and the U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Awards and the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry.
“I am delighted to welcome Professor Skrabalak to this role and am confident she will be a great leader for these world-class materials titles,” said James Milne, PhD, president, ACS Publications Division. “I’m looking forward to watching Professor Skrabalak shape these journals and continue to grow their communities.”
Skrabalak received her BA in chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis in 2002 where she conducted research with Professor William E. Buhro. She then moved to the University of Illinois where she completed her PhD in chemistry in fall of 2006 under the tutelage of Professor Kenneth S. Suslick. After conducting postdoctoral research at the University of Washington – Seattle with Professors Younan Xia and Xingde Li, she joined the faculty at Indiana University – Bloomington in 2008.
Read about her vision for Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters in her first editorial for both publications.
Chemistry of Materials is devoted to the publication of original contributions on fundamental research at the interface of chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science. ACS Materials Letters publishes high-quality and urgent papers on the forefront of fundamental and applied research at the interface between materials and other disciplines, such as chemistry, engineering and biology.