The list of faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants in the Department of Chemistry who were ranked excellent by their students has been announced from results of the Fall 2022 and Winter 2022-2023 course evaluation processes.
Results are based on the ratings from the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) maintained by Measurement and Evaluation in the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. This list is based on ICES forms completed by students.
Only those instructors who distributed ICES forms at least once during the semester and who released their data for publication are included in the lists. Only numerical data from the ICES questionnaire results were used, and at least five students must have responded in each class. For more information or to view previous rankings, go to the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning website.
Here is the list of teachers in the Department of Chemistry who were ranked excellent along with their corresponding Fall 2022 and Winter 2022-2023 course numbers.
* Denotes the instructor's ratings were outstanding
Faculty members
* Martin Gruebele 440
So Hirata 442
Nick Jackson 492
* Prashant Jain 444
Nancy Makri 540
Joaquín Rodríguez-López 420
David Sarlah 534
Wilfred van der Donk 532
Instructional faculty
Jordan Axelson 232
Don Decoste 202
Elise McCarren 101
Kimberly Powers 150
Teaching assistants
Abdi, C. 102
*Abdul, N. 103
Adams, K. 544
*Adedun, I. 103
* Ahumada, P. 199
Albritton, M. 532
* Altman, S. 233
Andrews, E. 102
Atseff, T. 103
*Bandyopadhyay, S. 233
Barnett, M. 101
Baumgartel, K. 102
Bhamidipati, N. 102
* Bharel, A. 103
* Bhurgri, S. 104
Blade, G. 512
Born, S. 540
Bou, A. 103
Butryn, E. 102
* Carrell, H. 199
Celis-Chance, J. 233
Chai, K. 102
Chang, A. 104
Chaturvedula, V. 203
Chen, J. 101
Chiang, H. 492
Chong, K. 203
Cloyd, M. 442
* Cook, A. 102
* Cunningham, C. 237
* Cys, N. 105
Dara, S. 103
Dauti, H. 105
Del Bosque Siller, D. 103
Delgado, Y. 150
Emezue, S. 104
* Engler, A. 199
* Flaherty, O. 105
Gajjela, M. 103
* Grant, R. 440
Grzegorczyk, J. 102
Gu, P. 442
* Hakin, N. 232
* Hayes, M. 103
* Hoang, B. 103
* Hu, J. 103
* Huffman, L. 101
Ibanez, E. 105
Jang, Y. 102
Jeon, H. 101
Jordan, N. 105
Kahng, J. 202
Karaman, K. 104
Kennebeck, M. 150
Kerr, S. 203
Khakpour, C. 103
Kim, E. 102
* Kim, S. 103
King, N. 102
* Korde, C. 103
* Kraft, M. 150
* Ku, J. 104
* Leang, K. 101
Lindsay, G. 315
Litt, N. 101
* Liu, X. 233
Lopez, I. 202
* Luciano, D. 233
Luo, A. 102
Lysandrou, Y. 232
Maier, J. 105
*Maldonado, N. 199
McBride, C. 101
McCann, J. 101
Medine, K. 233
Mehta, H. 104
Messeh, Y. 101
Meyer, H. 102
Meyle, E. 232
Mohr, A. 101
* Morales, D. 105
* Mubarik, A. 102
Murugesh, V. 103
Nash, J. 102
Nguyen, A. 102
Nicholas, E. 315
Okeke, K. 203
Paisanvit, N. 101
Patel. A. 103
Patel. R. 101
*Paton, A. 199
*Pires, T. 232
Polanek, M. 236
*Quindel, D. 105
Ramirez, E. 199
Rashid, S. 150
* Reed, L. 103
Rha, S. 101
* Rojas, J. 102
Rose, J. 105
Runne, I. 103
Ryan, J. 101
Sanchez, M. 102
* Sanders, K. 202
Santiago Carboney, A. 420
* Schaaf, R. 332
Schuffler, A. 202
Sefah, J. 101
* Sharma, V. 103
Shiau, A. 315
* Shim, J. 102
Siddiqui, A. 420
Siegel, E. 233
Sikander, Q. 104
* Snipe, B. 102
Sportiello, G. 104
Steinlein, A. 103
Sudhir, K. 102
Sur, S. 315
Syed, M. 101
Talusan, R. 104
Tin, A. 199
Tran, S. 101,199
Velasco, N. 104
Villasenor, I. 101
Vondrak, C. 105
*Wade, N. 237
Walker, E. 233
Wang, H. 223
* Woloszyn, N. 102
* Zervalos, G. 103
Zhang, A. 103
Zhang, J. 534