The College of LAS has awarded more than 25 professors with named scholar positions for their contributions to education and research at the University of Illinois. They include two professors in the Department of Chemistry, Nicholas Jackson, a Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors Scholar, and Joaquín Rodríguez-López, an LAS Distinguished Professorial Scholar.
The named positions include the Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors (LEAP) Scholars, the Lynn M. Martin Professorial Scholars, the Norman P. Jones Professorial Scholars, the Helen Corley Petit Scholars, the I.C. Gunsalus Scholar, and the LAS Distinguished Professorial Scholars.
Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors (LEAP) Scholars
The LEAP Award is granted to faculty early in their career based on scholarly productivity and contributions to the educational mission of their departments and the College of LAS. LEAP Scholars retain the title for two years and each scholar receives $5,000 in discretionary research funding for each of those two years. The LEAP Scholars are:
Nicholas Jackson, chemistry; Felix Leditzky, mathematics; Gautham Narayan, astronomy; Cristian Proistosescu, atmospheric sciences and Earth science and environmental change; Yuridia Ramírez, history; Corey Van Landingham, English.
Lynn M. Martin Professorial Scholars
The Lynn M. Martin Professorial Scholar honors exceptional women teachers. Selected faculty members hold the title for three years and each receive $10,000 in discretionary research funding in each of those three years. They are: Tamara Chaplin, history; Zoi Rapti, mathematics; Andrea Stevens, English.
Norman P. Jones Professorial Scholars
The Norman P. Jones Professorial Scholar honors exceptional mid-career tenured faculty members. Recipients hold the title for three years and receive $5,000 in discretionary research funding in each of those three years. They are: Xin Liu, astronomy; and Vesna Stojanoska, mathematics.
Helen Corley Petit Scholars
The Helen Corley Petit Scholar recognizes the scholarship and teaching of early career faculty members. Recipients may use the title for one academic year and receive $10,000 to support their research and teaching. They are: Teri Anne Chettiar, history; William Guenthner, Earth science and environmental change; Asma Hatoum-Aslan, microbiology; Benjamin Levinstein, philosophy; Xin Li, cell and developmental biology; Avital Livny, political science; and Maryam Kashani, gender and women’s studies.
I.C. Gunsalus Scholar
The I.C. Gunsalus Scholar recognizes the scholarship and teaching of young faculty members in the physical and life sciences. Recipients may use the title for one academic year and receive $10,000 to support their research and teaching. This year's scholar is Li Qing Chen, plant biology.
LAS Distinguished Professorial Scholars
The Distinguished Professorial Scholar, established in early 2020, recognizes outstanding faculty members being considered for promotion from association to full professor. Recipients may use the title for one academic year and receive $10,000 to support their research and teaching. They are: Jacob Bowers, political science; Daniel Llano, molecular and integrative physiology; Justine Murison, English; Joaquín Rodríguez-López, chemistry; Yue Shen, astronomy; Carol Symes, history; and Wendy Yang, plant biology and Earth science and environmental change.