Professor Prashant Jain has been awarded the 2023 Akron American Chemical Society Award.

The Akron ACS Award recognizes young scientists who show great promise in their professional careers. It is specifically awarded to scientists or engineers working in any branch of chemistry, demonstrating exceptional promise for making significant contributions to chemical science.

The award is presented annually at the ACS Akron meeting in November and consists of a $1,000 honorarium and an engraved plaque. The recipient will deliver two lectures, a technical lecture at a local university and a lecture for a more general audience. Jain is scheduled to deliver one of the two award lectures on Nov. 11, 2023, at the University of Akron. His presentation is "Catalysts Dressed in Light."

The Jain laboratory at UIUC focuses research on nanoscale light-matter interactions. Jain is the G. L. Clark Professor of Physical Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry, and University Scholar, a professor in the Materials Research Lab and the Beckman Institute, and an affiliate faculty member of Physics and Illinois Quantum Information Science and Engineering (IQUIST).