Prof. Kenneth S. Suslick was recently honored as one of Caltech's 2023 Distinguished Alumni, the highest honor the Institute bestows upon its graduates.
The Distinguished Alumni Awards recognize “a particular achievement of noteworthy value, a series of such achievements, or a career of noteworthy accomplishment,” according to the Institute, which selected Suslick "for profound contributions to sonochemistry (the study of chemical reactions powered by high-frequency sound waves) and chemical sensing, which have advanced the field of medical imaging and facilitated lifesaving treatments for cancer and sepsis patients."
Suslick, the Marvin T. Schmidt Research Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, at Illinois, received his BS from the California Institute of Technology in 1974, his PhD from Stanford University in 1978, and joined the Illinois faculty immediately after completing his doctorate. He has published more than 418 scientific papers, edited four books, and holds 56 patents and patent applications.