Research Corporation for Science Advancement, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and ClimateWorks Foundation have made awards to seven cross-disciplinary teams of early career scientists in the final year of Scialog: Negative Emissions Science, an initiative aiming to advance the underlying science needed to make technologies to capture and utilize greenhouse gases globally scalable.
The 20 individual awards of $50,000 in direct costs will go to 19 researchers from a variety of institutions in the United States and Canada, including Illinois professor Benjamin Snyder, whose Scialog team includes Caroline Saouma, in chemistry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Yuzhang Li in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of California, Los Angeles. Their team research proposal is Achieving Speed and Scale: Self-Amplifying Adsorbents for Negative Carbon Emissions.
Scialog is short for “science + dialog.” Created in 2010 by RCSA, the Scialog format supports research by stimulating intensive interdisciplinary conversation and community building around a scientific theme of global importance.