Scott E. Denmark, Reynold C. Fuson Professor of Chemistry, has been elected a Center for Advanced Study professor.
Prof. Denmark is one of seven new CAS professors elected in November. The others are Lisa Ainsworth, Plant Biology; Jodi Flaws, Comparative Biosciences; Peter Fritzsche, History; Bill Gropp, Siebel School of Computing and Data Science; Helen Neville, Educational Psychology; and Brent Roberts, Psychology.
Read the Illinois News Bureau story announcing the new CAS professors
Established in 1959 at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the Center for Advanced Study promotes the highest levels of scholarship and discourse, serving as the primary formal venue on the Urbana campus for various types of scholarly interaction and creative activity across academic disciplines. It sponsors workshops and seminars, supports new scholarship, and brings to campus more than thirty distinguished scholars, writers, and artists each academic year, in collaboration with other units of the University.
CAS Professors are permanent members of the Center, selected from the faculty on the basis of their outstanding scholarship. These appointments are among the highest forms of campus recognition. With the Associates and Fellows, they form the core of the Center for Advanced Study Community. CAS Professors deliver the Annual Lecture and serve on the Research Appointments Committee, charged with selecting the CAS Associates and Fellows.
Chemistry faculty members Catherine J. Murphy and Jonathan Sweedler are also CAS professors.