- In a report published in Nature Communications, the team behind the campuswide collaboration, which included researchers from the Department of Chemistry, details the innovations in modeling, saliva testing and results reporting that helped mitigate the spread of the virus, and shares the data collected and lessons learned through the process.
Posted: 2022-06-09
- 2022-06-08 - The latest class of Arnold O. Beckman fellows includes Illinois chemistry alumnus Andrew Zahrt, who graduated in August 2020 with a PhD in organic chemistry under the advisement of Professor Scott Denmark.Posted: 2022-06-08
- 2022-06-08 - The annual awards are presented to individual undergraduate and graduate students for various achievements, including academic excellence and outstanding research in the chemical sciences.Posted: 2022-06-08
- 2022-06-08 - The in-person event honored the Illinois faculty members who were elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2022 and 2021, which included the two professors of chemistry.Posted: 2022-06-08
- 2022-06-06 - Faculty member and Head of the Department of Chemistry is named winner of the Centenary Prize for pioneering work with gold nanocrystals and excellence in communication.Posted: 2022-06-07
- 2022-06-01 - The Illinois Professor Emeritus of Chemistry is one of four 2022 Kavli Prize Laureates in Nanoscience being honored for contributions to the development of self-assembled monolayers on solid substrates and molecular-scale coatings to control surface properties.Posted: 2022-06-01
- 2022-05-31 - The history of the Department of Chemistry's Noyes Laboratory is rooted in fire, discovery, public service, and kindness.Posted: 2022-05-31
- 2022-05-23 - The college issued a call for LAS Student Success Initiative proposals earlier this year and received a number of applications. Two projects in the Department of Chemistry will receive funding.Posted: 2022-05-23
- 2022-05-19 - Alpha Omega Epsilon chose to recognize Professor Hee-Sun for her willingness to "go above and beyond" to ensure that her students are understanding the concepts she teaches in her chemistry class.Posted: 2022-05-19
- 2022-05-16 - In a study led by chemistry professor Jefferson Chan, researchers at the Beckman Institute deployed a molecular probe to demonstrate a direct link between a high-fat diet and heightened nitric oxide levels, which can lead to increased risk of inflammation and cancer development.Posted: 2022-05-16
- 2022-05-13 - A first year graduate student at UIUC, Xu recently tested her ability to explain research in the Shen lab in front of a live audience on campus. A member of professor Mei Shen's lab, Xu has a diverse mix of activities she enjoys, including boxing.Posted: 2022-05-13
- 2022-05-11 - Two chemistry graduate students in the C² program — Joenisse Rosado-Rosa and Catherine Jalomo — were recognized for outstanding mentorship of undergraduate students in the chemical sciences. Chemical Science + Community (C²) is comprised of chemistry and chemical engineering graduate and undergraduate students from underrepresented groups.Posted: 2022-05-11
- 2022-05-09 - The annual Willis H. Flygare Memorial Lecture in Physcial Chemistry featured Naomi Halas, a Rice University professor who is a pioneering researcher in the field of plasmonics.Posted: 2022-05-09
- 2022-05-06 - The 18 researchers selected for the teacher-scholar awards are all within the first five years of their academic careers, have each created an outstanding independent body of scholarship, and are deeply committed to education.Posted: 2022-05-06
- 2022-05-05 - Two innovative research projects of professors Jefferson Chan and Andrew Gewirth in the Department of Chemistry have been selected to receive the latest round of support from the Discovery Fund, which will facilitate the exploration of new cancer screening methods and new ways to make steel without producing carbon dioxide.Posted: 2022-05-05