• 2015-01-31 - Miriam Ross, a sophomore at University Laboratory High School in Urbana, has been designated as one of twenty inaugural winners of the Celebrating High School Innovators Award for the state of Illinois in 2014-2015. Miriam is working with Prof. Scott Silverman and his graduate students on identification of DNA catalysts for degradation of the amino acid phenylalanine.
     Posted: 2015-01-31
  • 2015-01-31 - Two new drug compounds – one of which has already proven useful in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis – appear to be effective in treating endometriosis, a disorder that, like MS, is driven by estrogen and inflammation, scientists report in Science Translational Medicine.
     Posted: 2015-01-31
  • 2014-12-31 - Patricia Blair was selected to receive a ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry Predoctoral Fellowship, a prestigious award that has been given annually since 1991. The award represents an acknowledgement of Patricia's superior achievements as a graduate student and her potential to become an independent investigator. The fellowship is sponsored by Professor Richard B. Silverman (Northwestern...
     Posted: 2014-12-31
  • 2014-12-31 - When a large protein unfolds in transit through a cell, it slows down and can get stuck in traffic. Using a specialized microscope -- a sort of cellular traffic camera -- University of Illinois chemists now can watch the way the unfolded protein diffuses. By looking at the dynamics of how the unfolded protein moved in the cell (A), the researchers mapped areas in the cell with different rates of...
     Posted: 2014-12-31
  • 2014-12-31 - Researchers report in the journal Nature that they have made a breakthrough in understanding how a powerful antibiotic agent is made in nature. Their discovery solves a decades-old mystery, and opens up new avenues of research into thousands of similar molecules, many of which are likely to be medically useful. The team focused on a class of compounds that includes dozens with antibiotic...
     Posted: 2014-12-31
  • 2014-12-31 - The local student chapter of the Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicano and Native American Scientists (SACNAS) received the SACNAS 2014 Role Model Chapter Award at their national meeting, on October 16, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.
     Posted: 2014-12-31
  • 2014-11-30 - Alumnus, Peter Senter is a recipient of this year's LAS Alumni Achievement Award for his breakthough research in the use of antibodies to target cancer cells without destroying nearby healthy cells.
     Posted: 2014-11-30
  • 2014-09-30 - Paul Hergenrother, the Rinehart Professor of Chemistry, appears on the list of UIUC University Scholars named this year. Now in its 29th year, the University Scholars program recognizes excellence and provides $15,000 each year for three years to use to enhance each Scholar's academic career. To be eligible, faculty members must be Associate Professors or...
     Posted: 2014-09-30
  • 2014-09-30 - "NDSEG fellowships are designed to increase the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance. On average, about 10 percent of applicants are selected and this year 189 students nationwide received awards." James Christensen, Brad Nakamura, and Ian Robertson have been awarded prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering...
     Posted: 2014-09-30
  • 2014-09-18 - Theodore M. Vial, Sr., founding member and past president of Princeton Community Housing, died at home Wednesday, September 17, 2014. He was 93. Ted’s family is celebrating his life of service and conviction, his quiet good humor and generous spirit. Born in Ware, Iowa, Ted went to the University of Maryland-College Park, received a Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal as part of a glider...
     Posted: 2014-09-18
  • 2014-08-31 - R. C. Fuson Professor Scott Denmark has been selected to receive the 2014 Harry and Carol Mosher Award of the Santa Clara Valley section of the American Chemical Society.
     Posted: 2014-08-31
  • 2014-07-31 - Reid T. Milner Professor Deborah Leckband has been elected to the Biomedical Engineering Society Class of 2014 Fellows. Fellow status is awarded to BMES members who demonstrate exceptional achievements and experience in the field of biomedical engineering, and a record of membership and participation in the Society. Public recognition of Prof. Leckband...
     Posted: 2014-07-31
  • 2014-07-31 - Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Swanlund Professor of Chemistry, and So Hirata, Blue Waters Professor and Alumni Research Scholar in Chemistry, have been elected Members of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS). Typically, only 3 to 8 scientists are elected to this prestigious academy annually, and there are only about 130 members worldwide.
     Posted: 2014-07-31
  • 2014-07-31 - Prashant K. Jain is one of seven recipients of the Beckman Young Investigator Award from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. This highly competitive award of $750,000 over four years is "intended to provide research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of academic careers in the chemical and life sciences,...
     Posted: 2014-07-31
  • 2014-07-31 - Alison Fout has been selected to receive a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award and grant of $400,000 from the National Science Foundation to support her research program.
     Posted: 2014-07-31