• 2008-12-31 - Scott Denmark has received the Robert Robinson Lectureship. From the website: The Lectureship was "founded in 1962 as a result of an endowment received from the Sir Robert Robinson Foundation Inc., which was created to receive the royalties donated by the authors of "Perspectives in Organic Chemistry", published in commemoration of Sir Robert Robinson's 70th birthday, and supplemented by...
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Professor Christina White was awarded the 2008-2009 Pfizer Award for Creativity in Organic Chemistry. This award is given annually for members of the organic chemistry community who have distinguished themselves through significant creative contributions to the area of organic chemistry research and through excellence in graduate student training.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Dr. Dana Dlott and his researchers have devised a method to evaluate substrate surfaces. This method could assist in the detection of deadly fumes in subways, toxic gases resulting from chemical spills and hidden explosives. This research has been reviewed in numerous articles. To read more on this exciting new discovery, please click on the articles below:...
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Detecting deadly fumes in subways, toxic gases in chemical spills, and hidden explosives in baggage is becoming easier and more efficient with a measurement technique called surface-enhanced Raman scattering.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Like water and ice cubes mixed in a glass, a group of organic compounds called lipids can coexist as liquid and solid in membranes. This patchiness in phospholipid membranes is fundamental to their use as biomolecules and biosensors. Using charged nanoparticles, researchers at the University of Illinois have found a new way to stimulate patchiness in phospholipid membranes. “We are seeing a...
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Steve Granick, Founder Professor of Engineering , and professor of materials science and engineering , of chemistry , of chemical and biomolecular engineering , and of physics , was awarded the Polymer Physics Prize of the American Physical Society.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - When Pat Jeffries goes to the movies, he can drive people crazy, whispering comments about the film as it plays out on the big screen. However, he's usually not commenting on the plot or the characters. Jeffries is whispering about the color tones. This habit should come as no surprise, for Jeffries was one of the key people who developed the latest line of the world's most popular motion...
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Ryan C. Bailey was recently awarded a grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust to study changes in cell adhesion that underlie cancer metastasis.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Ted Brown is the recipient of the 2008 Harry and Carol Mosher Award from the Santa Clara Valley Section of the American Chemical Society. The Moser award was established in 1980 to recognize and encourage outstanding work in chemistry, to advance chemistry as a profession, and to recognize service to ACS. Previous award winners include Peter Beak and Ernie Eliel.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Researchers at the University of Illinois are the first to achieve optical waveguiding of near-infrared light through features embedded in self-assembled, three-dimensional photonic crystals.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - A simple iron complex made by Roman Boulatov's research team could pave the way for new oxygen reduction catalysts with potential uses in low-temperature fuel cells and may offer an alternative to expensive platinum catalysts currently used.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Imagine tiny cracks in your patio table healing by themselves, or the first small scratch on your new car disappearing by itself. This and more may be possible with self-healing coatings being developed at the University of Illinois. The new coatings are designed to better protect materials from the effects of environmental exposure. Applications range from automotive paints and marine varnishes...
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - It takes years of training, experience and chemical ingenuity to be able to make a small complex molecule. A typical natural product might contain a handful of aromatic rings, a stretch of multiple double bonds, and the odd heterocycle, all sprinkled with several chiral centres. Stitching these together in the laboratory is no easy task. In comparison, however, peptides are routinely made by...
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Two researchers at the University of Illinois – Martin D. Burke and Nicholas X. Fang – have been chosen as two of the world’s 35 Top Young Innovators by Technology Review, the world’s oldest technology magazine.
     Posted: 2008-12-31
  • 2008-12-31 - Dr. Martin Burke of Chemistry at Illinois has recently been profiled and interviewed by The Scientist Magazine. Read the whole article here.
     Posted: 2008-12-31