ACS WCC logo.

The ACS East Central Illinois Women Chemists Committee (WCC) was founded in the fall of 2005 to promote the development of women in the chemical sciences. With the support of our local ACS chapter and the University of Illinois Department of Chemistry, we have planned events that include professional and social opportunities that benefit graduate students, faculty, staff, and undergraduates. Please Contact Us if you have any questions or would like to join.

Keep up to date with all the happenings of the Women Chemists Committee by following us on Facebook!
Interested in funding opportunities? WCC has compiled a list of grants, fellowships, and scholarships specifically with women in our department in mind.


Travel Award Winners

Head shot of a travel award winner
Head shot of travel award winner with name
Head shot Qi Hua with details about travel award
Head shot of Anupriya Satheesan with award details
Head shot of Amanda Smith with travel award details
Slide with text announcing Alyssa DeLucia as the 2022 Fall Travel Award winner with a head shot of DeLucia.


Head shot of winner of the 2022 WCS Travel Award winner.


WCC Fall 2021 travel recipient - Amanda East slide


WCC Fall 2021 travel recipient - Brenna Budaitis slide


2020 Spring Travel Award winner information


UIUC Wome Chemists Committee would like to congratulate Dinumol Devasia (Jain Group) Winner of the 2019 Fall Travel Award - photo of Dinumol Devasia included