Frequently Asked Questions

What is the WCC?

The Women Chemists Committee (WCC) serves the membership of the American Chemical Society. Our mission is to be leaders in attracting, developing, promoting, and advocating for women in the chemical sciences in order to positively impact society and the profession. There are four goals designed to fulfill the mission statement:

  1. Increase participation and retention of women in the chemical sciences and related disciplines
  2. Take an advocacy position within the ACS on issues of importance to women in the chemical sciences
  3. Provide leadership for career development opportunities for women in the chemical sciences and related disciplines
  4. Promote and recognize the professional accomplishments of women in the chemical sciences and related disciplines

ACS WCC web site.

Are men invited to WCC events?

Of course! Not only are they invited to our events, they are encouraged to become a member of the WCC. Many events we host are open to the whole department, which naturally includes male and female chemists alike! Make sure to get your favorite guys involved!

Do I have to attend WCC meetings in order to go to WCC events?

No! We advertise our events on the departmental bulletin boards as well as on our website. When events have limited seating, spots are first opened up to registered members and then department-wide.

In that case, how do I register?  Is there a membership fee?

You can join WCC by contacting us to be added to the WCC email list. Membership is free, as are the majority of our events. 

How do I become a voting member?

WCC welcomes the participation of anyone who supports the purpose and mission of the committee. If one is interested in becoming a WCC voting member, notification of interest should be made to the WCC secretary

in order to be a voting member, one must have:

  1. Volunteered in at least one major WCC event, including but not limited to the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Girls’ Day Camp, or Retreat for Graduate Women, within the previous two years AND participated or volunteered in at least one other WCC event or meeting in the past year.


  2. served as a WCC officer

What are the benefits of being a voting member?

  1. Eligible for the WCC fall and spring travel award
  2. Eligible to run for an executive board position
  3. It’s a great way to get involved!
  4. Meet and work with others who are also interested in supporting the role of women in the sciences


Do you have a question for the WCC?  Please email us!  Maybe your question will be included on this page too!