Saturday, October 12, 2024
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

To attend this virtual visit, please register by Oct. 7, 2024


Two students standing side by side working in the lab in lab coats and PPE

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is hosting a virtual visit on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, for juniors, seniors, post-baccalaureate, and master's students of color underrepresented in the chemical sciences. Specifically, we would like to extend an invitation to those interested in pursuing a PhD in Chemistry. Participants will learn about the research conducted in the six chemistry areas at Illinois: organic, inorganic, physical chemistry, chemical biology, materials, and analytical. Participants will also be able to network with current graduate students, including meeting with members of our chemistry faculty.

Participants will learn about:
  • What fellowships are available for students in the chemical sciences
  • What constitutes a robust application to Illinois Chemistry
  • What programs are available to support students of color during their time at the University of Illinois
Applying to the University of Illinois is exciting because:
  • Both subject and general GREs are NOT required for admission into the program.
  • There are various resources available for underrepresented students in chemistry.
  • For underrepresented students, applying to our program is FREE through the Big 10 Academic Alliance.


Please note all times are Central Time (CT)

10 a.m. First Session — Main Room

10:00 am – Welcoming Remarks

Catherine J. Murphy, Head, Department of Chemistry, and Larry R. Faulkner Endowed Chair in Chemistry

10:10 am – Program Resources Overview

Raylene Gomez, Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Chemical Sciences

10:20 am – Grad Program Overview

Joaquín Rodríguez-López, Chemistry Admissions Committee Chair

10:30 am – All You Need to Know About Applying to Illinois Chemistry

Mayra Vazquez Rodriguez, Graduate Admissions Coordinator

Department of Chemistry faculty and staff will answer students' questions about applying to the program. Participants will learn about the fellowships available for underrepresented students in the chemical sciences, what constitutes a robust application to Illinois Chemistry, application fee waivers, GREs, etc.

10:40 am – Q&A Session

Joaquín Rodríguez-López, Chemistry Admissions Committee Chair & Mayra Vazquez Rodriguez, Graduate Admissions Coordinator

Participants will learn about the research conducted in the six chemistry areas at Illinois Chemistry: organic, inorganic, physical chemistry, chemical biology, materials, and analytical.

*Break and transition to main room (10 minutes)*

11:10 am Overview Talks and Discussions by Area of Chemistry — Breakout Rooms

Breakout Room 1: Inorganic, Materials Research Areas — Professor Ben Snyder

Breakout Room 2: Physical, Analytical Research Areas — Professor Mikael Backlund

Breakout Room 3: Organic/Chemical Biology Research Areas — Professor Vicky Jun

*Break and transition to main room (10 minutes)*

12:00 pm Final Session — Main Room

12:00 pm — Life at UIUC and Chambana (Graduate Student Panel)