Gregory H. Robinson
University of Georgia
"Creative Writing in Scientific Research Articles"
"From N-Heterocyclic Carbenes to Dithiolene Radicals: A Counterintuitive Trek through Main Group Chemistry"
To download a complete list of Bailar Medalists (Lecturers), click here.
Gregory H. Robinson
University of Georgia
"Creative Writing in Scientific Research Articles"
"From N-Heterocyclic Carbenes to Dithiolene Radicals: A Counterintuitive Trek through Main Group Chemistry"
Karen Goldberg
University of Pennsylvania
"Developing Alternatives to Oil as Feedstocks for Our Chemicals and Liquid Fuels"
"Molecular Oxygen as a Reagent in Late Transition Organometallic Chemistry"
Linda Nazar
University of Waterloo
"Electrochemical Energy Storage for a Sustainable Energy Future"
"Hard Chemistry: Solid State Electrolytes and Sold State Batteries"
John F. Hartwig
University of California - Berkeley
"Selective, Catalytic Functionalization of C-H Bonds"
"Artificial Metalloenzymes with Noble Metals Created from Heme Proteins"
Omar Yaghi
University of California - Berkeley
"The Atom, the Molecule and the Framework"
"A Carbon Neutral Cycle and Harvesting Water from Air"
Fraser Armstrong
Oxford University
"The Importance of Metalloenzymes for Advancing Electrocatalysis"
"The Chemical Principles of Biohydrogen"
Richard Eisenberg
University of Rochester
"Fifty Years of Dithiolenes: A Gray Dawn, the Loss of Innocence and Fulfilling the Promise"
"Fuel from Water: The Light Driven Generation of Hydrogen"
Jacqueline K. Barton
California Institute of Technology
"Signaling through DNA"
"Targeting DNA Mismatches with Metalloinsertors"
Donald J. Darensbourg
Texas A&M University
"Making Chemicals from Carbon Dioxide"
Marcetta Y. Darensbourg
Texas A&M University
"Molecular constructs as [FeFe]-H2ase Enzyme Active Site Biometrics for Proton Reduction"
Lawrence Que, Jr.
University of Minnesota
"Bio-inspired Hydrocarbon Oxidations by Nonheme Iron Catalysts"
"High-valent Iron: Structures, Spin States, and Reactivity"
Robert H. Grubbs
California Institute of Technology
"Sputnik, Catalysis and Metathesis"
"The Synthesis of Large and Small Molecules Using Olefin Metathesis Catalysts"
Kenneth N. Raymond
University of California - Berkeley
"Siderophore Stealth"
"Supramolecular Metal-Ligand Clusters as Chiral Flasks and Synthetic Enzymes"
Michael Grätzel
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanna
"Molecular Photovoltaics"
"Solar Hydrogen Generation from Water"
Edward Solomon
Stanford University
"Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry: Blue to Green to Red Copper Sites"
"Structure/Function Correlations over non-Heme Iron Enzymes"
Malcolm Chisholm
Ohio State University
"Routes to New Generation Polymers Employing Single-site Metal Alkoxide Catalysts, Polysters, Polyethers and Polycarbonates from Renewable Resources"
"Electronic Coupling Involving Carboxylate Links and MM Quadruple Bonds, Where M = Mo and W. M2 δ to Ligand π-Conjugation"
Tobin J. Marks
Northwestern University
"Self-Assembly Approaches to Structures for Electronic Organics"
Bridges Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis. Single- and Multiple-Site Olefin Polymerization"
Joan S. Valentine
University of California, Los Angeles
"Copper-Zinc Superoxice Dismutase and ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)"
"Biophysical Studies of a Disease-Causing Metalloprotein"
Konrad Seppelt
Freie Universitat Berlin
"Metal Xenon and Other Cations in Super Acidic Solutions"
"Non Octahedral Structures"
John E. Bercaw
California Institute of Technology
"Towards a Catalytic Alkane Hydroxylation Catalyst Using Dioxygen as the Oxidant"
"Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization with Organotransition Metal Catalysts"
Robert H. Crabtree
Yale University
"Hydrides and Hydrogen Bonding"
"Advances in Catalysis"