Wednesday, January 22: Lecture 1.1: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Slides for Lecture 1.1
Friday, January 24: Lecture 1.2: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Particle in a Box Slides for Lecture 1.2
Monday, January 27: Lecture 1.3: Application of the Particle in a Box Model Slides for Lecture 1.3
Wednesday, January 29: Lecture 1.4: Schrodinger and Wave Functions Slides for Lecture 1.4
Friday, January 31: Lecture 1.5: Hydrogen Orbitals Slides for Lecture 1.5
Monday, February 3: Lecture 1.6: Aufbau Principle Slides for Lecture 1.6
Wednesday, February 5: Lecture 1.7: Hybrid Orbitals Slides for Lecture 1.7
Friday, February 7: Lecture 1.8: Molecular Orbital Theory I Slides for Lecture 1.8
Monday, February 10: Lecture 1.9: Molecular Orbital Theory II Slides for Lecture 1.9
Wednesday, February 12: Lecture 1.10: Coordination Compounds Slides for Lecture 1.10
Friday, February 14: Lecture 1.11: Crystal Field Theory Slides for Lecture 1.11
Monday, February 17: Lecture 1.12: Crystal Field Theory and Color Slides for Lecture 1.12