The student hourly classroom support positions provide instruction in general chemistry courses (101-204), Merit program general and organic chemistry discussion courses (101-436), general chemistry lab courses (103-205), and organic chemistry lab 233. All applicants are included in a pool from which laboratory and discussion positions are selected.
Interested undergraduate students who will be Juniors or above and who will have successfully completed Chemistry 232 and 233 (or equivalent) by the end of Spring 2025 are encouraged to apply. Non-chemistry graduate students may also complete the application process for consideration.
To apply for a teaching position, please click here: Chemistry Student Hourly Application
Before you begin, you need to prepare:
- A list of chemistry courses completed including semester and final grade, GPA
- Information regarding your prior work history
- A saved .pdf of your academic history (accessed here https://apps.uillinois.edu/selfservice )
- A saved and completed course schedule form .pdf (blank form linked here).
- The names and email addresses of two references who will be asked to submit short reference forms on your behalf. One reference should preferably be from a faculty member who can comment on your academic ability and teaching potential. The second reference could be from an employer (current or past), volunteer supervisor, high school teacher, or another campus-based instructor. References should not be from family members or friends who did not supervise you in a professional or academic setting. All letters of reference forms for fall are due July 20, spring are due November 30.
- Your answers to the questions below (250 word maximum per question):
a. Why you are interested in this position and why would you make a good choice as a teaching assistant?
b. (Answer only if applying to teach a discussion section.) What do you feel is the role of a discussion section?
c. (Answer only if applying to teach a lab class.) What do you feel is the role of a lab?
**DO NOT hit "save" unless you consider your application to be complete.**
"Save" will submit your application. We cannot release it back to you, nor can we make edits on your behalf.

Note regarding Letters of Reference: The application form should automatically send a letter of reference (LoR) request to those referrers you list. However, you are responsible for making sure your referrers submit their letters of reference. We only need two. More LoR will not be included in your file. If, for some reason, a LoR request is not received, please direct a referrer to: Chem Student Hourly LoR Form . LoR may also be sent directly to the chem-ta-applications@illinois.edu address. The form is not required, but it is helpful to have consistent LoR.
Note: The schedule form is used to assign teaching sections. We assume the schedule provided will be correct at all times.
- If you change your course schedule, you must submit a new schedule card form to chem-ta-applications@illinois.edu .
- Incorrect or missing information may preclude hiring.
To ensure full consideration, the application and support materials should be received by:
June 1: For Fall Semester Positions
November 10: For Spring Semester Positions (Spring opportunities are limited)
The General Chemistry teaching staff evaluate all applications. Offers will be sent to the email address that you provide on the application form. All chemistry graduate students must be placed in teaching positions before we can make other offers. Please be patient and check the target dates below for offers.
Notification of hiring for Fall Positions:
- Students selected to teach discussion sections for the Merit program will be notified in late June.
- Hiring for lab teaching positions includes a half hour interview, either in-person or via Zoom.
- Students selected to teach all other discussion and lab sections will be notified in late July.
- All students selected should expect to attend on-campus training on August 20-222 from 1 pm - 4 pm.
Notes about hiring for Spring Positions:
- It is unlikely that we will hire new TAs in the spring. We have far fewer sections to fill, and most current TAs would like to continue.
- Veteran TAs are not required to re-submit an application. Information will be sent via e-mail about re-hiring options.
Expected breakdown of duties for:
Regular or Merit Program Discussion Student Hourly: average 10 hrs per week
- Teaching hours (2-3 sections): 3 or 4 hours
- Chemistry Learning Center shift/office hours: 2 hours
- TA meeting: 1 hour
- Prep, attending lecture, grading, proctoring: 3-4 hours
Chem 103, 105, 203, 205 Lab Student Hourly: averages 12-13 hrs per week (fewer training hours for experienced student hourlies)
- Teaching hours (3 sections): 6 hours
- Office hours: 1 hour
- TA meeting: 15-30 minutes
- Lab training: 1.5-2 hours (usually occur after 6pm)
- Training assignments: 2-3 hours
- Emails to students: 1 hour
Chem 233 Lab Student Hourly: averages 11.5-14.5 hrs per week (fewer training hours for experienced student hourlies)
- Teaching Hours (1 section): 4 hours
- Office Hours: 1-2 hours
- Grading: 3-4 hours
- Weekly Meeting: 30 min
- Training: 3-4 hours
These estimates are for undergraduate student hourly instructors. Graduate students have a different number of hours.
If you have questions about general procedures or TA pool hiring, contact Keena Finney at kbaumgar@illinois.edu, (217) 333-3015, 1026 Chemistry Annex.
If you have questions about Merit program hiring, contact Elise McCarren at emccarr2@illinois.edu, (217) 300-5899, 2026 Chemistry Annex.