This option is designed to provide a background in environmental chemistry that is sufficient breadth and depth to prepare a person to work as an environmental chemist in the public or private sector and/or to pursue an advanced degree in the field. Students who complete this option will be certified in environmental chemistry by the American Chemical Society (ACS).

The Environmental Chemistry Option is based on the Specialized Curriculum in Chemistry. Therefore, to be certified in this option, a student must satisfy all of the requirements for the Specialized Curriculum in Chemistry. Students will take a 3-hour, 300-level course in environmental chemistry and three 3-hour, upper level technical courses in environmental areas. These courses can be used as part of the required 14 hours of technical electives for the Specialized Curriculum in Chemistry.


3 hours of basic courses

Select one of the following:

  • CHEM 360 - Chemistry of the Environment
  • CEE 330 - Environmental Engineering


9 hours of advanced courses

Select three courses from the following:

  • CHEM 460 - Green Chemistry
  • CEE 443 - Env Eng Principles, Chemical
  • GEOL 380 - Environmental Geology
  • IB 485 - Evironmental Toxicology
  • CHEM 397 - Individual Study Junior
  • CHEM 497 - Individual Study Senior
  • CHEM 499 - Senior Thesis - thesis research on an environmental topic

Other 400-level courses dealing with economic, engineering, biological aspects of environmental chemistry upon consultation with the faculty advisor.

Because each of these courses on the list above qualifies as a Technical Elective for the Specialized Curriculum in Chemistry, completion of the Environmental Option should not require additional hours for graduation beyond those needed for the Specialized Curriculum. Although only students who receive degrees in the Specialized Curriculum in chemistry are eligible for ACS certification, students in the Sciences and Letters Chemistry major can complete the Environmental Option as well.  Addition of the Environmental Option, however, will not result in ACS certification for Sciences and Letters chemistry majors, nor will the addition of this coursework by Sciences and Letters majors be recognized on any transcripts, diplomas or other official materials.

Sciences and Letters majors who wish recognition of studies regarding the environment may wish to consider a minor in Environmental Studies through LAS.