A special issue of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry was issued on Feb. 27, 2025, celebrating Illinois chemistry Prof. John A. Katzenellenbogen and his 55-year career exploring the interface among chemistry, biology, and medicine.

Read the special issue of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Katzenellenbogen, who had more than 70 papers published in the journal, was featured on the cover of the special issue with this cover description:

"As a pioneer in medicinal and bioorganic chemistry, his work has produced important molecular tools that led to a greater understanding of the estrogen and androgen receptors and led to the development of important diagnostic imaging agents.  His scholarship and mentorship have fostered the careers of numerous students who have gone to make important contributions to science and medicine."

A trio of alumni from Illinois chemistry and the Katzenellenbogen research group were instrumental in coordinating the special tribute. Drs. Michael Sofia (PhD, ’84), Terry Moore (PhD, ’08), and Martin Pomper (BS, ’82; PhD, ’89; MD, ‘90) wrote the editorial in the issue, which also includes many of Katzenellenbogen's research articles.

The special issue had been planned as part of a scientific symposium that was held Nov. 8-9 on the Illinois campus in honor of Katzenellenbogen's 80th birthday. More than 70 alumni of the Katzenellenbogen research group returned for the fall event that included a one-day symposium featuring more than a dozen presentations by alumni in four areas – Radiopharmaceuticals; Clinical Sciences; Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery; and Receptor Structural and Molecular Biology.

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