Many special lectures and symposia are sponsored by the chemistry department throughout the academic year. Listed below are those affiliated with inorganic chemistry.

John C. Bailar, Jr. Lectures in Inorganic Chemistry

The Bailar Medal and Lectures are in inorganic chemistry and commemorate Professor John Christian Bailar, Jr., a member of the faculty at the University of Illinois from 1928 until his death in 1991. Through his research and mentoring Bailar became known as the father of American coordination chemistry. Recent Bailar Lecturers include Omar Yaghi, Fraser Armstrong, Richard Eisenberg, Jacqueline Barton, Donald Darensbourg, Marcetta Darensbourg, Lawrence Que, Jr., Robert Grubbs, Kenneth Raymond, and Michael Grätzel.


Illinois Distinguished Lecture in Inorganic Chemistry

This lectureship features internationally recognized senior researchers in the field of inorganic chemistry, and is supported by a gift from alumnus Sheldon Shore (BS, ’51). Professor Jim Mayer of Yale University was the inaugural Illinois Distinguished Lecturer in 2016.