The following principles are intended to ensure that the program culture in the Department of Chemistry meets the highest standard of professionalism and is one in which all members feel welcome and respected.1


Respect and support department members:

  • Refrain from all forms of harassment including, sexual harassment2 [report sexual harassment], racial, religion, sexual orientation among others
  • Be courteous in your interactions
  • Respect the professional, physical, and personal boundaries of colleagues
  • Give colleagues a chance to voice their thoughts
  • Work to ensure that all colleagues have equal access to opportunities
  • Ensure that, when offered, feedback is constructive and aims to create positive discussion
  • Refrain from judging, bullying, discriminating, or making unwelcome jokes or disparaging remarks
  • Support those who report violations of departmental or university policy
  • Any form of retaliation is not acceptable

Commit to transparency:

  • Be receptive to discussing ways to improve the work environment and relationships
  • Challenge your assumptions about people and the sources of those assumptions
  • Take it upon yourself to eliminate challenges or barriers to success that colleagues may face as members of under-represented groups

Take initiative:

  • Intervene when others are exhibiting conduct unbecoming of a community member
  • Speak up when colleagues are disrespectful of a group or class of people (even when members of that group are not present)
  • Seek opportunities for education/training on diversity, inclusivity, reporting, and bystander intervention techniques, and encourage others to do the same
  • Acquaint yourself with university policy on sexual misconduct and codes of conduct

[1] The following principles were adapted from the Princeton Physics Department, see

Assistant Director of DEI
Raylene Gomez Hernandez
Head shot of Raylene Gomez in an outdoor setting