CHEM 591 – Introductory Professional Development for Chemists
We recognize that graduate students in chemistry face challenges in their research careers beyond technical setbacks, so the Department of Chemistry has offered Introductory Professional Development for Chemists since 2014. CHEM 591 (previously CHEM 492) is taken by chemistry graduate students in their first semester on campus to provide a broad overview of non-research skills that are important during graduate school. The class meets weekly for an hour in the Fall semester.
The course has evolved over the years and now has four modules below that span over 17 weeks.
- Teaching Skills
- Inclusive Excellence in Chemistry Research Groups
- Non-Technical Skills
- Professional Ethics
This course will cover topics to prepare graduate students for all aspects of graduate culture, which include:
- how to be an effective TA
- developing cultural competence and awareness to enables effective professional interactions with diverse scientists
- understanding ethics in research
- developing a non-technical skillset essential to graduate school success such as program management, conflict resolution, time management, and managing mental health
- understanding the departmental expectations on appropriate professional conduct