Fall 2023

Each fall, many faculty give research presentations for students who may be interested in joining their research group. Below is a list of scheduled faculty presentations specifically geared towards first-year students. Other faculty have instead requested to meet individually with students interested in their research. These lists will be updated as we receive information from faculty, but please do not consider this an exhaustive list of faculty, who are taking students into their groups. You are welcome to contact individual faculty members to request a meeting or learn more about their research groups.

All first-year students are required to attend this DGS presentation:

Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 7:00–8:30 pm, 1024 Chemistry Annex, "How to Choose a Research Group" Seminar
Professor Gregory Girolami, Director of Graduate Studies

You should not schedule any meetings with individual faculty until after this DGS presentation.

List of individual faculty presentations:

For more information about an individual faculty member, we have a Faculty Directory on our website. To view the faculty directory, either click on the link or click on "People" in the navigation menu at the top of this page, and then "Faculty", which will take you to our Faculty Directory. From there you may also choose "Faculty by Research Area" in the menu on the right.


Upcoming faculty research presentations for Fall 2023 will be added to the list below. We encourage you to reach out to faculty members who have research that interests you. Presentations will be removed from this listing after they have occurred.



All of the faculty research presentations for Fall 2023 have concluded. If you are interested in the research of a faculty member who did not hold a presentation or you were unable to attend their presentation, please contact them directly to set up a meeting. Faculty Directory.



The following faculty will not be giving a presentation but are pleased to meet with students individually. Please email them directly to set up a meeting, learn more about their research, and discuss joining their research group.